Smart strategies to boost your online fundraising returns

Smart strategies to boost your online fundraising returns

Make the most of your organisation’s investment in digital fundraising
We will explore
  • Strategies to boost income
  • Analyse metrics that really matter
  • Tactics to increase your ROIs
Who is it for?

This training is for fundraisers, digital comms staff and others involved in implementing digital fundraising plans and strategies.

Part of the 2015 eCampaigning Forum event (you can attend both or only the trainings)
Keble College, Oxford, UK
Export event to your calendar.

This fundraising masterclass will help you make the most of your organisation’s investment in digital fundraising. We will explore a range of strategies to boost income, analyse the metrics that really matter and cover a range of tactics to increase your ROIs.

This training is for fundraisers, digital comms staff and others involved in implementing digital fundraising plans and strategies.


Arrival Day for SOME participants on Tuesday april 7th
19:30 Dinner: pre-training dinner, Get to know the other training participants over food and drink. Informal and location to be determined by those wishing to join. Dinner not included in training price.
Smart strategies to boost your online fundraising returns workshop on Wednesday April 8th
08:045-09:00 Check in: grab your name tag and say hello! You also might want to grab a cup of coffee or tea
09:00-09:30 Welcome and introduction: An overview of the training day and identify specific participant interests/questions
09:30-11:00 Models of online fundraising
How do you know how well your new leads are performing? And how do you define a new lead? This training session will start by analysing the different models of online fundraising, and participants will define and develop their own fundraising model to use throughout the day so they can go away with the knowledge of testing, tools and tactics that's most useful to their day to day work.
11:00-11:30 Break
11:30-13:00 Methods of testing
Testing is crucial to maximise your ROI in online fundraising. We'll explore different methodologies for testing, including A/B testing and multivariate testing, and look at how you can use them in your work to maximise your returns.
13:00-14:00 Lunch (included) & table discussions
14:00-15:30 Tools and techology
What are the best tools to use for testing? If you're already using them, how can you get the most out of them? We'll explore the best ways to use technology to your advantage in online fundraising.
15:30-16:00 Break
16:00-17:00 Tactics to generate results fast
Put everything you've learned about models, testing and technology into practice in a hands-on session to explore how you can maximise conversion rates using your own fundraising model.
17:00-17:30 Participant Q&A / Discussion Time for addressing any unanswered questions, discussing the learning, etc.
17:30 End of training day
18:30 Pre-ECF Europe Dinner & table discussions
21:00 Pub: Who ever feels like it can join us in the pub.
About the trainers

Glyn Thomas, more onionGlyn Thomas: Glyn has extensive experience of online fundraising. Previously WDM's digital manager, he has delivered training sessions and presentations in digital fundraising for a range of organisations including the Institute of Fundraising in London. Glyn has worked as a consultant for a wide range of NGOs and charities and he is also an expert contributor to Irish Charity Labs. Glyn has also given presentations at past ECF events on Digital fundraising via campaigning and Supporter re-activation and segmentation via email and was shortlisted for the Care2 Impact Awards presented at ECF 2014.

Florian Engel, more onionFlorian Engel: Florian is co-founder and manager of more onion: a digital agency helping non-profits make a real impact using the internet. More onion combines strategy development, creative talent and technical wizardry to get the most your of e-campaigning and online fundraising.

Florian is also the product lead on Leadpanel, a new service that helps fundraisers turn online contacts into regular donors. He regularly speaks at events, leads the design of websites, has a passion for usable interfaces and enjoys managing product development. You can find him on Twitter or on the eCampaigning Forum List.

by Duane Raymond published Aug 29, 2014,