Campaign Planning

Campaign Planning

An advanced workshop on preparing and executing world class campaigns.

An advanced workshop on preparing and executing world class campaigns. This is for senior, experienced campaigners with a strong understanding of campaign planning and execution. The day will focus predominantly on effective communication with diverse audiences, based on Chris Rose’s extensive experience and analysis.

Campaigns use communication to gather support, create pressure and exert influence. For most non governmental organisations (NGOs), their only resource to secure real change is public persuasion. Business has money, government has law but campaigns have only public support. Communication is the campaigners’ instrument for change, not simply a way to publicise an opinion.

These will include an introduction to campaign tools and techniques, issue mapping, framing, values and heuristics, communications factors and proposition-making, visual language, the history of campaigning and the differences between campaigning and advocacy.


Arrival Day for many participants on Monday March 11th
19:30 Dinner: pre-training dinner, Get to know the other training participants over food and drink. Informal and location to be determined by those wishing to join. Dinner not included in training price.
Campaigning Master Class on Tuesday March 12th
09:00-09:15 Check in: grab your name tag and say hello! You also might want to grab a cup of coffee or tea
09:15-09:45 Welcome and introduction: An overview of the training day and identify specific participant interests/questions
09:45-10:30 eCampaigning: core principles and strategy Reviewing the key principles and strategies of e-campaigning
10:30-11:15 eCampaigning Models: Most people think of e-campaigning as petitions and email letters. But it is much more than that. This will cover the key models and how they can be used to win campaigns.
11:15-11:30 Break
11:30-12:15 Email-to-Action Model Best Practices: Going through the key best practices that have driven the success of Oxfam, Greenpeace, Avaaz, MoveOn, the Obama campaign and more.
12:15-13:00 Retaining Supporters: Supporters are most valuable when they continue to be active beyond their first engagement. While most organisations have 70-90% inactive digital supporters, there are strategies for retaining and re-activiating.
13:00-14:00 Lunch (included) & table discussions
14:00-14:45 eCampaigning Cases: Global Case Studies
14:45-15:30 Analysing performance: Highly successful and sustained digital campaigning is informed by good analysis of what is working and what isn't.
15:30-15:45 Break
15:45-16:30 Campaigning via Social Media & Mobile Phones: Social media has been adopted by hundreds of million of people and mobile phones by billions, but their proven, repeatable, cost effective use for campaigning is elusive.
16:30-17:00 eCampaigning Trends: what's coming next and how to spot the best opportunities.
17:00-17:30 Participant Q&A / Discussion Time for addressing any unanswered questions, discussing the learning, etc.
17:30 End of training day
18:30 Pre-ECF 2013 Dinner & table discussions
21:00 Pub: Who ever feels like it can join us in the pub.
About the Trainer

Chris is a UK-based master campaigner and globally recognised expert on campaign design. He will distil 30 years of practice and research for NGO (environment, aid, union, health, other) campaigners.

When Chris was young his dad gave him a popular book on psychology called The Hidden Persuaders, by Vance Packard. Along with a Penguin paperback, The Shocking History of Advertising, they provided his first inklings that communication wasn't simply a natural and neutral process but an intervention in human affairs in itself, and one that could determine important outcomes.

Chris Rose is a campaigns and communications consultant and Director of Campaign Strategy Ltd based in the UK. He has 30 years experience working for NGOs, national and international public bodies and private companies. Formerly Programme Director in the UK and International Strategic Adviser for Greenpeace, he has run or developed environmental campaigns ranging from the Brent Spar to rainforests, and worked for public sector clients on topics from illegal drugs to risk communications, fear of crime and sustainable housing.

As well as working for WWF International, Friends of the Earth and advising on hundreds of campaigns for other organisations on topics from human rights to flooding, he is an ecologist and author of books such as How to Win Campaigns: Communications for Change, and What Makes People Tick: The Three Hidden Worlds of Settlers, Prospectors, and Pioneers.

Get a Masters in Media, Campaigning & Social Change

The University of Wesminster (London, UK) runs a Masters in Media, Campaigning & Social Change. they are accepting applicants for new intakes now.

This course is particularly relevant if you want to start, or to progress, a career in communications and campaigning for social change, whether in a charity or non-governmental organisation; in a public sector body; in a political party or election campaigning setting; or even in a corporate social responsibility role. It could also be a stepping-stone towards a PhD and an academic career in this growing field of study. For more information, please contact the course enquiries team or joint course leader Michaela O’Brien at [email protected]

by Admin published Jan 31, 2013,