Digital Censorship, Surveillance and Copyright

Digital campaigning is particularly venerable to censorship, surveillance and copyright law because of the network of Internet providers it relies on. Here Ruth from the Open Rights Group (ORG) outlines some of the issues all campaigners should be aware of and support.


Open Rights Groups (ORG) was formed by 1,000 geeks at at open technology conference who wanted a group to fight for Internet freedoms. So they set one up when 1,000 pledged £5 per month. Since being established, they have campaigned on digital issues like privacy, censorship, data protection, open data, copyright reform, and more.

Here Ruth talkes about surveillance, censorship and copyright reform to the participants of the 2013 eCampaigning Forum and how it affects campaigning by all organisations.

  • Ruth Coustick on Twitter: @Nesient
  • Open Rights Group:
  • Twitter: @OpenRightsGroup

This occurred at the 2013 eCampaigning Forum.

by Duane Raymond published Mar 13, 2013,