Greenpeace's Jedi Mind Tricks in the VW Darkside Campaign

Greenpeace's VW Darkside video and campaign launched with a flair in 2011. But where did it end up? Turns out VW met their demands...this is the story of how.


When Greenpeace wanted to get Volkswagen to change its policy on car emission standards, it piggy-backed on the back of VW's very successful VW Star Wars advertisement and integrated the star wars theme online and offline.

At the 2013 eCampaigning Forum (ECF), James Sadri shares how they pulled together the campaign and how they succeeded in changing VW's mind. Greenpeace's Mobilisation Lab has also published a review of the campaign.

The annual eCampaigning Forum events bring together digital campaigning leaders to connect, share experience and learn together.

by Duane Raymond published Mar 14, 2013,