NGO challenges with digital campaigning and fundraising

Ben Brandzel summarises the key stumbling blocks organisations face in being more effective at online organising (aka e-campaigning).


Ben Brandzel expands on the challenges large NGOs face when trying to achieve change through campaigning. This includes:

  1. The tension between and insider vs. and outsider power strategy and how to balance that tension via having a long term change strategy.
  2. Nimbleness
  3. Balancing the needs of multiple stakeholders
  4. How digital expertise is placed within the organisation's hierarchy
Ben was speaking at the 2008 eCampaigning Forum (ECF) in Oxford, UK. He has been involved in many of the major new advocacy initiatives that blend online and traditional strategies. These include:

and in the 2008 US Presidential elections the John Edwards campaign for the Democratic nomination for US President and the Barak Obama's Campaign for US President.

by Duane Raymond published Apr 10, 2008,
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