Mapping actions from postcode data
If you have UK postcode data for your actions, how can you display supporter actions on a map?
One list member suggested making a google map from a dynamic feed using this process:
- XML to google docs spreadsheet
- Yahoo pipes convert spreadsheet into RSS
- Google maps can display a RSS feed
- Embed google map
- and recommended this blogpost for more details of the process.
Another suggestion was using Google Fusion Tables. This example map of MP votes uses the the TheyWorkForYou API to get geo data (lat/long) for constituences, but Google Fusion tables will map postcodes in the same way.
Finally – the Mapalist service creates free maps from postcode data in a Google spreadsheet. You can keep this updated with new actions as they come in if you can set up an XML or Google Doc feed.
This article summarises a discussion on the eCampaigning Forum email list. Thanks to everyone who contributed.
ECF Discussion Summaries
Sep 15, 2011,