eCampaigning Models: Email-to-Action
What do Oxfam, the Obama Campaign and Greenpeace have in common? They all use(d) the email-to-action e-campaigning model as a major part of their campaigning activities online.
eCampaigning in a leaderless world
Though people have managed to self-organise throughout human history – we are at a moment where the fusion of of self-organisation, with ever-expanding social technology, is creating spaces that no longer require the type of 'leadership' we've become so used to... So what does this mean for traditional campaigning organisations?
Gladwell: Why the revolution will not be tweeted
Author Malcolm Gladwell provides a thought-provoking critique of social media activism, contrasting its strengths and weaknesses vs. traditional activism. In doing so, he suggests some priorities for achieving systemic change vs. marginal change.
Hype vs. Reality: What digital channels are the most effective in 2010?
There is a lot of hype around new digital channels, but little evidence is published to back this up. So I will. Here is the evidence from one global campaign in 2010 to demonstrate how different digital channels compared.