Experts said an Arms Trade Treaty was impossible...

The Control Arms campaign, running for over a decade, achieved a key goal in April 2013: a UN Arms Trade Treaty. Anna Macdonald played a central role in achieving this and will be sharing her experience at ECF 2014.

Anna Macdonald (LinkedIn | Twitter) has been campaigning on the issue of arms control for almost two decades, and since 2006 as the Head of Oxfam's Arms Control campaigning. As one of the three partner organisations in the Control Arms campaign, she has been intensely involved in the campaign since before its launch and helped steer it to its landmark success of achieving a UN Arms Trade Treat.

The Arms Trade Treaty is the world first arms control agreement, but its potential impact is staggering: a lot of poverty, environmental destruction, international migration, health issues and more are reinforced by conflict, and that conflict is fuelled by the cheap and wide availability of small arms like guns. Controlling their spread is one part of solving all these other issue.

At ECF 2014, Anna will outline how the campaign achieved the Arms Trade Treaty despite the obstacles, how it adapted to the evolution of digital media and usage since its launch and the provide some insights we can use in other campaigns.

by Duane Raymond published Mar 05, 2014,
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