Opening Speakers
Nicky Hawkins, Equally Ours
Nicky has worked in UK charity communications for fifteen years, campaigning with organisations like Friends of the Earth and Save the Children. She now leads the Equally Ours programme identifying how we can change hearts and minds on inequality, human rights and social justice. Her work draws heavily from research into how people think, feel and respond to their world.
Nicky works in collaboration with a wide range of UK organisations to introduce an evidence-based approach communicating some of the most important issues of our time. In her spare time she works with the Catsnake, a storytelling agency that makes audiences care, share and act.
She'll be sharing some of the data she's collected - and some that she's shamelessly borrowed from others. More importantly she'll be looking to stimulate discussion and ideas about how we make sense of, and respond to, the interesting times we’re in.
She also presented via webinar a "Post truth survival guide" which compliments her presentation at the 2017 Campaigning Forum.
Tom Baker, Save the Children UK
Tom Baker is Head of Mobilisation at Save the Children UK. Tom was previously Head of Campaigns and Engagement at Bond UK and has also worked for Tearfund, Christian Aid and Micah Challenge International. Tom is one of the co-founders of Campaign Bootcamp and blogs at Thoughtful Campaigner.
At ECF 2017, Tom will talk about "Packing for the journey ahead - 7 essentials campaigners need to have to journey into the future." He asks:
"As we look back at the last year, and look ahead, what are the tools, tactics and approaches that as campaigners we need to pack for the journey ahead? How do we ensure that our campaigns can continue to be relevant in 2017 and beyond."
In this talk, Tom will drawing on his experience, the questions he's been thinking about since Brexit and reflections on the campaigns that have emerged in the last few months to ask how as campaigners do we effectively navigate the new political landscape we face.