Social Program
Tuesday Evening
Monday evening is when most people from abroad will have arrived and many from the UK will make their way to Oxford. Usually half the event participants attend this dinner as it is a great way to get to know others and gently get into event atmosphere.
- Dinner: 19:00 - 21:00 (Cost: 35) St Anne's College Dining Hall - College Bar: 21:00 - bar close (cash car)
Dinner must be booked and paid in advance via:
- ECF registration
- Email
Wednesday Evening
Tuesday evening is the main social night of the event and 95% of the event participants join for dinner and drinks this night. It will also be held at St. Anne's College.
Thursday Evening
Anyone who is still around on Thursday night will have the treat of experiencing Oxford with an Oxonian. A good number of people stay around at least for drinks.
This will take place in a historic Oxford pub, of which the best options are:
- Easy but less historic: Royal Oak (300 metres from St. Anne's College)
- Ancient with character: Turf Tavern (via a secret ally)
- Tolkin/C.S. Lewis fans: Eagle and Child (reputed haunt of J. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis)
- Ancient and unique: Bear Inn - unique decor and one of England's oldest old (1292)
public houses
If you intend to be around for Thursday evening and wish to get together for the evening, please put your name below.